Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Awareness

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome National Awareness Symbol the "Frayed Knot"
to Promote Truth & Accuracy about Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Awarness  

The EDS Awareness Campaign was started by a group of people with EDS participating in an email support group, hosted by the Canadian Ehlers-Danlos Association. Soon after, the group voted on an official Awareness Symbol. The winning symbol is the “Frayed Knot” pin, designed by Rabecca Primeau. Rabecca suggested the idea because the frayed ends of the knot represent the fragile tissues people with EDS have.

The History Frayed Knot Pin The Official Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Awareness Symbol. Created and Designed by Rabecca Primeau and Son Frank Primeau.

The EDS Awareness Campaign is the first annual event to promote Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) Education on a worldwide scale. The campaign will take place during the month of February. 2005 will be the 5th Annual Awareness Campaign.

For the first time major EDS organizations of the world are joining forces to educate people & Doctor's about Ehler's Danlos Syndrome.

Thanks to the EDS community taking a vote on what the Official EDS Symbol should be for the Awareness Campaign. On Monday, Nov 5, 2001 the votes came in and the Official Symbol of the EDS Awareness Campaign was selected.

The Winner was the "Frayed Knot" pin, suggested by Rabecca Primeau.

2nd place was the movable silver body pin, suggested by Lilian.

3rd place was the Rubberband pin with 18 votes suggested by Stacy & Rabecca.

Barbara Uggen-Davis from EDS Today says, "Thank you to everyone who made suggestions and/or voted." To view event details as they developed and for more information on the campaign, please visit Http:// For "EDS Today Awareness Campaign Events"

As we continue to Educate the world about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome through the EDS Awareness Campaign during the selected month of February. The Awareness Symbol becomes an important key factor in getting others to take Notice. As we all know man associates with signs and symbols.

The Frayed Knot in it's creation the design initially was created out of silver cording

 The Frayed knot was created into a pin

Rabecca Primeau
Official EDS Awareness Symbol
(c) 2001 All Rights Reserved any unauthorized duplication is subject to penalty by Federal Law