Alternative Health

Aromatherapy Books

I have personally switched to using Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils for my health as well as the health of my family since 2003. The best way to learn about it is to read and reference your books once you have the oils. I am making available these books if you are interested in any please let me know and I will get the prices for you.

Extensive variety of books I recommend that will provide you with a practical guide to the use of essential oils, its history, folklore, science and how they can be used in aromatherapy. Many of these books feature popular essentials oils and offer details of their specific actions, and unique insights into their energetic and spiritual properties. Books such as 500 Formulas for Aromatherapy, Essential Oil Handbook and Aromatherapy Workbook provide hundreds of simple, easy-to-use essential oil recipes for treating many common ailments as well as for enhancing your environment. These books make a perfect step-by-step guide for beginners and an ongoing reference for practicing aromatherapists.